7 min read 0

Instruments of National Power 101

  BLUF While implementing the National Security Strategy, the government leverages instruments of national power to pursue objectives and engage throughout the world. Why does this matter? Whether or not energy companies realize it, they play an integral role in the US government’s ability to pursue the national vision outlined…

14 min read 0

Geopolitical Risk 101: Putin Examples

  BLUF If you don’t understand what geopolitical risk means, allow Putin’s actions against commercial companies and nationalized industries to teach you. Since invading Ukraine in February 2022, Putin has done things “you just can’t do” and yet, he acted largely with impunity. Part of doing business internationally is overcoming…

9 min read 0

Maps Are Like a Gateway Drug

  BLUF Challenging the rules-based international order is a key feature of strategic competition. PRC’s new map shows an example of Chairman Xi’s efforts to define the world to his advantage, despite international norms. The map’s significance lies in the leader’s mindset, not the unoriginal claims. Like “build it and…

13 min read 0

NSS 103: Three Phases of Energy Security since 1987

BLUF The national security strategies (NSS) reflect three distinct phases of energy security since the first NSS in 1987. While each President approached energy security differently, the common threads and overarching national interests permeated every NSS iteration. The NSS is a critical document that outlines the country’s approach to safeguarding…

12 min read 0

NSS 102: Environment & National Security

BLUF Environmental issues have been part of national security thinking since at least 1987. The US national security strategy (NSS) recognizes climate change as a significant and multifaceted national security challenge. It acknowledges that climate change is not just an environmental issue but also a geopolitical, economic, and security concern.…

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