6 min read 0

Critical Infrastructure Underpins Daily Life

  BLUF Energy is designated as a “lifeline” sector by the US government because of its fundamental importance to economic activities, essential services and daily life. Why does this matter? Over 80% of US energy infrastructure is privately owned. Energy companies must acknowledge the rising geopolitical risks and take steps…

8 min read 0

What Supports Seaborne Energy Trade?

  BLUF Stable seaborne energy trade would be at risk without the laws and frameworks established by the rules-based international order. The largest energy importers and exporters from 2022 were vital to stability and prosperity (see map). Their global reach reinforces the need to maintain stable sea lanes. Why does…

9 min read 0

NDIS Watch Words for Energy Companies

BLUF Concepts introduced and amplified in the National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) offer helpful frameworks for energy companies to reduce geopolitical risk. Adversarial capital, production diplomacy and friend-shoring each reflect a relevant attribute of the current global geopolitical situation. Why does this matter? The NDIS repeatedly illuminated how and why…

9 min read 0

Energy Tankers Through the Panama Canal

  BLUF Depending on their cargo, energy tankers use the Panamax or Neopanamax locks in different proportions. This variation influences how Panama Canal delays affect each segment. Chemical tankers, for example, almost exclusively use the Panamax locks, while liquified natural gas (LNG) tankers almost exclusively use the Neopanamax locks. Why…

13 min read 0

If the Top 10 Energy Companies were “countries”…

BLUF The top 10 energy companies in the world are enormous and rival the size of countries. With their size, where and when they act – particularly during the energy transition – matters. Energy companies play an important role in the US’s ability to pursue the vision outlined in the…

14 min read 0

Geopolitical Risk 101: Putin Examples

  BLUF If you don’t understand what geopolitical risk means, allow Putin’s actions against commercial companies and nationalized industries to teach you. Since invading Ukraine in February 2022, Putin has done things “you just can’t do” and yet, he acted largely with impunity. Part of doing business internationally is overcoming…

13 min read 0

NSS 103: Three Phases of Energy Security since 1987

BLUF The national security strategies (NSS) reflect three distinct phases of energy security since the first NSS in 1987. While each President approached energy security differently, the common threads and overarching national interests permeated every NSS iteration. The NSS is a critical document that outlines the country’s approach to safeguarding…

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