9 min read 0

What is the Rules-Based International Order?

BLUF Post-World War II organizations and agreements among countries are the foundation of today’s globalized economy. Though the specific wording is sometimes debatable, the concept is difficult to dispute. This primer post will cover the topic at a high level only and not dive into the numerous nuances. Additional reading…

9 min read 0

Energy Tankers Through the Panama Canal

  BLUF Depending on their cargo, energy tankers use the Panamax or Neopanamax locks in different proportions. This variation influences how Panama Canal delays affect each segment. Chemical tankers, for example, almost exclusively use the Panamax locks, while liquified natural gas (LNG) tankers almost exclusively use the Neopanamax locks. Why…

8 min read 0

Authoritarian vs Democratic Governments

  BLUF Current global geopolitics features authoritarian rulers with more power than ever before. Authoritarian rulers do not ascribe to the same set of “rules” that democratic leaders do, making them dangerous to those who expect certain standards of behavior. Why does this matter? Authoritarian rulers possess the ability to…

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