6 min read 0

Critical Infrastructure Underpins Daily Life

  BLUF Energy is designated as a “lifeline” sector by the US government because of its fundamental importance to economic activities, essential services and daily life. Why does this matter? Over 80% of US energy infrastructure is privately owned. Energy companies must acknowledge the rising geopolitical risks and take steps…

9 min read 0

Adversarial Autocracies & Friend-Shoring

  BLUF Democracy index scores are a useful tool for gauging geopolitical risk associated with doing business in specific countries. Engagement in friend-shoring democracies rather than adversarial autocracies can reduce geopolitical risk. Why does this matter? As energy companies grapple with new geopolitical risks, mitigation strategies can be challenging. Leveraging…

8 min read 0

What Supports Seaborne Energy Trade?

  BLUF Stable seaborne energy trade would be at risk without the laws and frameworks established by the rules-based international order. The largest energy importers and exporters from 2022 were vital to stability and prosperity (see map). Their global reach reinforces the need to maintain stable sea lanes. Why does…

6 min read 0

How Democratic are Friend-Shoring Countries?

  BLUF Friend-shoring countries identified in the National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) are 97% democratic and represent 48% of world democracies, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) 2023 Democracy Index. The friend-shoring list did not include any authoritarian regimes. Why does this matter? Friend-shoring reduces geopolitical risk for energy…

9 min read 0

NDIS Watch Words for Energy Companies

BLUF Concepts introduced and amplified in the National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) offer helpful frameworks for energy companies to reduce geopolitical risk. Adversarial capital, production diplomacy and friend-shoring each reflect a relevant attribute of the current global geopolitical situation. Why does this matter? The NDIS repeatedly illuminated how and why…

12 min read 0

Transshipment Around the Panama Canal

BLUF Usually, we talk about ships transiting through the Panama Canal. But a robust ecosystem of multimodal transshipment options explodes from the area around the canal, making this 50-mile (80 km) strip of land even more strategically important than many realize. The Panama Neutrality Treaty helps maintain the status quo.…

11 min read 0

NDIS – National Defense Industrial Strategy

  BLUF The importance of the NDIS lies as much in its existence and articulation as it does the content and priorities outlined. By acknowledging the multidimensional problems and envisioning solution sets, the US government transparently signaled to industry, allies, and partners the essential nature of their collaboration. Why does…

13 min read 0

Geopolitical Risk of Panama Port Admin

  BLUF Panama Canal’s port concessionaire is 80% owned by a Hong Kong company with ties to the PRC for decades. Law #5 gives the concessionaire significant authority that puts the port’s neutrality at risk. The geopolitical risk presented by PRC’s ability to exert significant influence over Panama Canal operations…

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