12 min read 0

Transshipment Around the Panama Canal

BLUF Usually, we talk about ships transiting through the Panama Canal. But a robust ecosystem of multimodal transshipment options explodes from the area around the canal, making this 50-mile (80 km) strip of land even more strategically important than many realize. The Panama Neutrality Treaty helps maintain the status quo.…

13 min read 0

Geopolitical Risk of Panama Port Admin

  BLUF Panama Canal’s port concessionaire is 80% owned by a Hong Kong company with ties to the PRC for decades. Law #5 gives the concessionaire significant authority that puts the port’s neutrality at risk. The geopolitical risk presented by PRC’s ability to exert significant influence over Panama Canal operations…

9 min read 0

Energy Tankers Through the Panama Canal

  BLUF Depending on their cargo, energy tankers use the Panamax or Neopanamax locks in different proportions. This variation influences how Panama Canal delays affect each segment. Chemical tankers, for example, almost exclusively use the Panamax locks, while liquified natural gas (LNG) tankers almost exclusively use the Neopanamax locks. Why…

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